While God is most certainly wise and all-knowing, He was no more at His creative best when He put Adam to sleep, took one of his ribs, and created Adam’s helper.
Stealing a line from the late great Dr. R.C. Sproul, God’s creation of Eve, caused Adam to gush with excitement, “Ohhhh, woman!”
As a full-blooded male, I, too, take great delight in the XY species of the human race. So, what is my problem today? You know, if I am blogging according to my worldview, hopefully, informed and shaped by the Holy Writ, then I must surmise a problem is amongst us.
My problem is the WNBA in particular and women's sports activism in general. I concur with Jason Whitlock, noted sports journalist and current host of the podcast Fearless, when he laments he is not interested in watching a bunch of tattooed females exhibiting more testosterone than estrogen.
Again, I defer to Sproul's statement on one of his recent podcasts that most men are not interested in women who are hard in their appearance or presentation.
As I raised my two girls and one boy, I hoped my youngest daughter would gravitate toward and eventually excel in softball. I did so, hoping she might secure an athletic scholarship like her big brother did in football.
That is until I found out there was a study that revealed that females who participated in competitive sports were twice as likely to embrace lesbianism. That immediately ended that aspiration, and thankfully, my daughter quickly lost interest in playing any further.
I am not against women participating in competitive sports altogether, but cautionary guardrails must be implemented. God has marvelously wired men and women differently, hence the dichotomy between testosterone and estrogen. It is important to point out that both sexes have each, but by God’s inscrutable design, each has more of one than the other.
It is unfathomable we live in a time when it is necessary for the POTUS to have to make it one of his first priorities to sign an executive order indicating the US government only recognizes two genders. As mere as say, twenty years ago, such a thought would have never registered as a point of contention.
Equally unfathomable is the immediate pushback from the Left. I pause to interject once again, knowing I will never receive a cogent defense, how any mature and committed Christ-follower would have any alliance with the Left, aka, the Culture of Death.
The Right Rev. Mariann Budde, the Episcopal bishop of Washington, used her platform as a speaker during the interfaith prayer service at the Washington National Cathedral, which traditionally concludes the presidential inauguration festivities, to criticize President Trump for his executive order.
During the prayer service, Budde's remarks included, "In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now," Budde said. "There are gay, lesbian, and transgender children in both Democratic, Republican, and independent families who fear for their lives.”
I genuinely believe this rhetoric is nothing more than fear-mongering. Granted, there will always be a tiny minority who, injected by hate, will resort to violence, but the vast, vast minority of Americans will strenuously disagree but do so, never contemplating physical harm, which is part of the American fabric of life.
There are only two genders, not because I am trans-phobic but because my Creator decrees it to be so and does so without speaking with a forked tongue.
There is most certainly room for cultural neutrality in that men and women can pursue similar interests, but whatever happened to women excelling at their chosen vocational sport but doing so in an expressly feminine manner?
I grew up admiring Chris Evert in tennis. No one disputes that she is one of the all-time greats, and she did so in an expressly feminine way.
Contrast her style with Martina Navratilova's very masculine style, and you can see when the train started to fall off the rails.
For that reason alone, I never gravitated toward Serena Williams, arguably the greatest female tennis player of this generation and maybe of all time. Nothing—and I literally mean nothing—is feminine about her appearance, attitude, or persona. Even when she married and had a child, you have the distinct impression she was in charge of her relationship. I pity the male who chose to enter into that alliance.
On the other hand, while most of the basketball players in the WNBA display an outsized number of male personality traits, we now have the phenomenon of Angel Reese.
Angel Reese is, by all accounts, very feminine and physically attractive, so there is no problem there. My issue with Reese is that she dresses and acts so sexually provocatively but still has the unmitigated gall to complain about being only viewed as an over-sexualized human being.
Talk about someone who wants her cake and eats it, too. You cannot come out in public and attend public events with shorts that are so short you can see parts of her butt.
The WNBA will never become a major player in America in terms of TV ratings or attendance for one simple reason. Men are the main purveyors of sports in America, and most males, like me, do not want and will not sit down for two hours or more to walk a collection of females who have more tattoos than them and carry themselves with more masculine actions than them.
I did not even delve into the atrocious Brittney Griner, who is married to another female. They adopted a baby, and Griner insists you refer to her as Pops.
Yeah, I ain’t participating in none of this abased foolishness, and I strongly advise you not to either. How can two walk together unless they agree, says the Holy Writ?
As always, let me know what you think. Until then, keep your hands to the plow and seek to serve for an Audience of One.
With fear & trembling,
Ricky V. Kyles, DEd.Min