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Writer's pictureRicky Kyles

Evangelicals & Respect for Authority

The latest social mayhem concerns the traffic altercation between Miami Dolphin football player Tyreek Hill and a Miami Dade police officer this past Sunday.

Tyreek Hill was driving 105mph in a 55mph zone, not wearing a seatbelt, and with tinted windows. He created a potential grave danger to himself and, more importantly, other innocent citizens.

Upon being stopped by the police, Hill showed blatant disregard and disrespect to the officers. Hill’s actions are telltale signs of suspicion for police in traffic stops. A police officer has no idea what a person is doing behind tinted windows, putting the officer at a supreme risk to his safety.

Biblical illiteracy is at an all-time high, even in light of this generation’s ubiquitous access to God’s Word. It is alleged the average household has more than three Bibles.

Social media is replete with professing Evangelicals, clearly demonstrating they do not take the Word of God seriously.

Romans 13, not an OT passage, makes abundantly clear God has ordained human government [i.e., ordained ministers] to execute justice in the land.

Romans 13 says the ordained ministers (in this case, the police) do not bear the sword in vain. Anyone with biblical knowledge knows what the sword represents. The sword was a symbol of death.

While the Left cries to Defund the Police, Conservatives know all well the mayhem that would ensue if there were no police. I thank God for the police and military personnel who keep me safe.

Ironically, the Cultural Elites are the very people who live in gated communities and low-crime neighborhoods. The average citizen surely wants and needs the police to respond when there is danger. The masses continue to be manipulated and played for a fool. Come November, they will vote in mass for the very policies that keep them living in crime-ridden neighborhoods.

No individual citizen has the authority to oppose properly ordained ministers. Thankfully, we live in a Republican Democracy, which affords individual citizens the ability to register protests if they think their liberty is being infringed.

Thus, if Hill felt his rights were infringed upon, he could have noted the officer’s badge number and reported the incident to the proper authorities. Many departments now have body cams, and the ticket would have given Hill access to the police officer’s information.

Everyone comforting and supporting Hill, including his coach, is part of the problem. The teammate who came upon the scene only increased the possibility of something tragic happening by attempting to interject himself in the altercation.

America is now a totally godless generation, and God will judge America. Mature Christ-followers know there will never be perfect justice in this fallen world. Maybe Hill would have reported the matter, and even if his charge had merit, he would not get justice.

That possibility is lamentable, but that is why Christ-followers long for Christ’s return. He will execute perfect justice and adjudicate every earthly wrong, and Righteousness will then flow like a Mighty River when He triumphantly returns.

Fellow Christ-follower, Christ has left us here to make disciples and to be Light and Salt. One of our biggest mission fields is our neighbors who think they are saved when they are not. As with all evangelism, only God can remove the scales from the eyes of rebellious creatures created in His image. Let us pray for those people. I know I need to do that more, and I am committed to doing so.

As Light, we are to preach the Gospel and call sinners to repent and turn to faith in Jesus Christ as their only hope.

As Salt, we serve as a solvent and preservative to the moral decay of this sin-cursed world. We call out sin whenever and wherever it is found, all the while first denying ourselves and carrying our cross daily with fear and trembling.

I exhort you, my fellow Evangelical, to not grow weary in well-doing. For if you faint not there awaits a great reward.

Tyreek Hill doubled down and has called for the police officer in question to be fired. That shows Hill has no remorse. Unless and until he does, he is to be treated accordingly, as a fool who is to be avoided and not celebrated.

As usual, let me know what you think. Until then, keep your hands to the plow and seek to serve for an Audience of One.

With fear & trembling,

Ricky V Kyles Sr DEd.Min

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