I think the American people– and I consider myself pro-life, I believe in the sanctity of life, but I think politically that there is– Republicans have gotta say, as Bill Clinton once said – I never thought I’d quote him – “rare,” “legal,” and I’d add the word[s], “very early in a pregnancy.” That seems to be – politically – where the country is. Maybe I’m wrong. But we’ll see. That vote in Ohio is pretty, pretty sobering. Sean Hannity
You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.
(Matthew 5:13)
But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it, we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
(Ephesians 3:20)
We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies.
(2 Corinthians 4:8-10)
Based on recent events, I now add famed Conservative commentator Ann Coulter to my list of Conservative frauds that have me reaching and surpassing the moral boiling points. Donald J. Trump does not even feel the need to attend the Republican debates because of his seemingly unsurmountable lead, all the time positing a similar position that Conservatives must come to terms with an acceptable number to legalize abortion. DJT can do so and yet appear to be the presumptive Republican candidate for the Presidency of the United States of America for 2024. I state unequivocally again I will not vote for Donald Trump if he is the Republican nominee; Lord help me if I am wrong.
Mimicking a fellow believer I attend church with the only acceptable number of weeks that abortion can be legally or morally acceptable is a bit fat ZERO. I care not one iota if that position is electorally viable. Evangelicals embrace the belief this Earth is not our home and that we are just pilgrims passing through. God calls Evangelicals to advocate Truth without apology or compromise. The Bible demands that Evangelicals protect the most vulnerable of society as much as it is in their power to do so. The Bible explicitly teaches that life begins at fertilization from the human perspective and even before then from a divine perspective.
Because there is no regard or high value placed on God’s declared revelation, i.e., Truth:
Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson can rise to the highest judicial office in the land but refuses to define what a woman is.
Harvard University Claudine Gay can appear before Congress and refuse to condemn genocide, and the Woke Mafia provides her institutional cover to retain her position.
The Woke Mafia can allege African Americans do not have ready access to abortion, yet in New York, for every 1000 AA births, there are 763 AA abortions.
AA females can comprise 6% of the U.S. population yet comprise 42% of the abortions in America, all the while lamenting about the plight of AA young males.
I am an Abortion Abolitionist (note: I no longer classify myself as Pro-Life), not because I believe I will gain a following or gain acceptance from the masses.
I am an Abortion Abolitionist because I am 100% convinced every life created in the womb is sacred, divinely created by Almighty God, and worthy of dignity from the moment of fertilization until natural death.
I am an Abortion Abolitionist now, tomorrow, and evermore. Lord willing, there is nothing that could ever change my thinking regarding abortion.
Abortion is the greatest genocide in human history, and there will be a reckoning nationally and, most importantly, a reckoning individually.
Thus, I plead with you to repent before it is too late. The mere fact God gave you and me another day is a testament to His long-suffering. But please never presume on God’s Grace and Mercy! They both have a shelf life, a definite expiration date.
Like the Apostle John’s warning, if you leave the Pro-Life/Abortion Abolitionist camp, you were never one of us; people like Sean Hannity, Donald J. Trump, and Ann Coulter were NEVER one of us!
Evangelicals committed to the sanctity of life do so with no regard for political expediency. We do so with fear and trembling, knowing we will stand before God one day and give a reckoning for our stewardship! We do so because we are Convictional! We do so because God calls us to be Light & Salt upon the Earth! We do so, realizing this Earth is swiftly passing away, making way for the triumphant return and reign of the Lord Jesus Christ! We do so because we bend the knee to our Creator.
I plead with you to Repent or Perish!!!
As always, let me know what you think. Until then, keep your hands to the plow and serve for an Audience of One.
With fear & trembling
Ricky V. Kyles DEd.Min